Submission on the Draft National Mitigation Plan

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to input into the Draft National Mitigation Plan and looks forward to further input as the plan evolves. The Environmental Pillar strongly welcomes and supports the Minister’s commitment to transition to a low carbon future. We anticipate that this will be implemented in a clear, directional robust national mitigation […]

Hazardous chemical being used in Irish forests needs to be phased out 

The Environmental Pillar are calling for an end to the use of the hazardous chemical Cypermethrin in Irish forests. This chemical which kills insects is being used in significant quantities over a large area of land, some 50,000 ha, in an attempt to protect the non-native spruce and pine from pests. The Environmental Pillar believe […]

Pitfalls and potentials: the role of bioenergy in the EU climate and energy policy post 2020

European Governments are increasingly relying on bioenergy as a cheap way to meet targets for renewable energy. Bioenergy represented 62% of EU’s renewable energy use in 2012. But new evidence on the real climate impacts and other environmental and social impacts of bioenergy has made its use increasingly controversial. Sustainable bioenergy has a role to […]

Submission on Local and Community Development

The Environmental Pillar made a submission on the draft Framework Policy for Community Development. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo”  icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Click here to view […]

Response to draft EPA regulation, compliance and enforcement documents
The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Draft Better Regulation and Draft Compliance and Enforcement Documents. Click the button below to see the response document. [gap size="1.313em"][button shape="rounded" size="regular" float="none" info="popover" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" href="" title="Click to see the full Environmental Pillar response"]Response document[/button]
Submission to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on GHG Mitigation

Follow the link below to download the the submission from the Environmental Pillar, 23rd March 2015, to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s discussion document on the potential for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) mitigation within the Agriculture and Forestry Sector. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” icon_only=”true” […]

Submission to the Public Consultation on the Regional Waste Management Plan

The Submission by the Environmental Pillar to the Public Consultation on the Regional Waste Management Plan was sent to each of the regional Waste Authorities in January 2015. The Resource Efficiency Working Group prepared the submission which details 15 recommendations including parameters for creating an effective database, appropriate waste prevention targets per capita per year […]

Submission to Affordable Energy Consultation

Fuel poverty is a question of the thermal efficiency of housing. In a market, generally the most inefficient housing will be occupied by those with the least purchasing power; whether as house-owners or as tenants. This is the case in Ireland. Therefore eliminating fuel poverty will require the thermal upgrade of the vast bulk of […]

Statement on an EU Legally Binding Agreement on Forestry

The Environmental Pillar calls on the Irish Government to actively seek the completion of the EU Legally Binding Agreement on Forests (LBA). Sustainably managed natural and semi-natural forests are an infinitely renewable resource and deserve to be granted the highest priority in this LBA. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, […]

Environmental Pillar call for Department of Transport to prioritise rail as a way to address climate change

The Environmental Pillar is calling on the Department of Transport to prioritise Ireland’s rail services as a way to address climate change. This comes on the back of a consultation document on transport investment, prepared by the Department, which discusses cutting rail services and ignores government commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Environmental Pillar, which […]

Submission on investing in our transport future

The Environmental Pillar made a submission to the public consultation on Investing in our Transport Future – A Strategic Framework for Investment in Land Transport. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo”  icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if […]

Submission on draft Forestry Programme 2014-2020

The Environmental Pillar made a substantive submission on the SEA for the draft Forestry Programme 2014 to 2020. In it a number of issues were raised including: climate change impacts, lack of support for agroforestry, native woodland conservation, biodiversity, water protection and other management measures. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, […]

Submission: European Commission consultation on Fisheries Opportunities 2015

The Environmental Pillar welcomed the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s Communication on Fishing Opportunities for 2015. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Click […]

Submission on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and access to justice

Ireland’s current legislative framework falls short of what is required under article 9(1) of the Aarhus Convention. The convention is an international agreement which guarantees access to information, public participation and justice in relation to environmental matters. The Environmental Pillar made a submission to the public consultation on Access to Justice and Implementation of Article 9 […]

Proposed plan for septic tank inspections needs more detail and transparency

The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental groups, has expressed its disappointment that the Government’s proposed National Inspection Plan for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems does not contain enough detail to allow a meaningful public discussion. Charles Stanley-Smith, spokesperson for the Environmental Pillar, said: ‘When you think about the potential risks to our […]

Budget Submission 2015

This submission recommends ways of broadening the tax base and using the limited financial resources in a way that focuses on long term sustainability, whilst creating employment and stimulating the economy in the short term. In making this submission to the Government it recognises that the public are still reeling from the shock of the economic […]

Submission to DCENR on the Green Paper on Energy Policy

The Environmental Pillar say in its submission that the eventual White Paper should define a vision for Ireland’s future energy system which provides an overarching framework within which decisions on energy policy are made. The key messages from the submission are: EU targets for renewable energy in all sectors including transport and reducing energy demand […]

Submission on the Action Plan for Jobs 2014

The Environmental Pillar made a summary submission on the Action Plan for Jobs 2014 calling on the government to back a number of initiatives designed to boost jobs sustainably. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo”  icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only […]

Submission on the National Risk Assessment 2014

The Draft National Risk Assessment has an explicit goal of ensuring that Ireland’s terrible reversal of fortune never recurs. In this context the Environmental Pillar would like to highlight the gaps in the risk assessment in terms of biodiversity, health, agriculture, forestry, and the greening of the economy. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” […]

Submission on Forestry Bill 2013
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Click here to download the Environmental Pillar Submission on Forestry Bill 2013 [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Click here to see the full […]

Submission on Consultation on Tourism Policy

A green economy should be a driver of competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability. The Green Economy should incorporate the whole economy rather than be a niche or a subset. The UNEP definition of a Green Economy as one that results in “improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological […]

Submission on National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Development of a National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland. We offer the following comments which we believe will be helpful in developing an holistic National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development. The incorporation of sustainability into all aspects of life is essential, […]

Submission on Preparation of a New Seafood Development Programme 2014

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to comment on the preparation of the Seafood Development Programme 2014-2020. We offer the following comments which we believe will be helpful in directing the programme towards the establishment of an industry, capable of supporting coastal communities, low-impact fishing and employment in processing. The Programme must be based on […]

Submission on the Outline Heads of the Climate Action and Low-Carbon Development Bill
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The Environmental Pillar produced this submission in response to the government’s outline Heads of a Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill.