Climate Change Working Group

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The purpose of the Climate Change Working Group is to work on policy issues related to climate change including:
• International and EU agreements
• Climate legislation
• Adaptation policy and measures
• Mitigation policy and measures including sectoral mitigation
• Co-benefits of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies


The following work plans for the Climate Change Working Group are in order of their priority:
  • Climate Change Law Advocacy: The objective is to engage with the development of the Climate Change Bill and its passage through the Oireachtas. This involves advocacy work with Government and Oireachtas Members (with sufficient funding engagement with other sectors) and also media work on the Climate Change Bill.
  • National Climate Policy Development Process on Energy/Electricity, the Built Environment, Agriculture, Peatland/Soils and the Industrial Sector: These individual projects will engage with the process of development in the national climate policy roadmap, building on engagement to date and existing positions.
  • International Climate Change Negotiations and European position/agreements: The objective is to support the input of new ideas into the UNFCCC process and into other international cooperation on climate policy. Also, to support the adoption of environmentally adequate EU targets particularly for 2030.

[/tab][tab]Member Organisations and nominated persons participating in the Climate Change Working Group:
    Irish Doctors’ Environmental Association – Fergal Duff
      Friends of the Earth – Oisín Coghlan
       FEASTA – David Healy
sonairte logo  Sonairte – Tommy Simpson
An-Taisce-colour optimised        An Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland – tbc