Coillte is coming under increasing pressure to phase out the use of Cypermethrin in Irish forests, Irish Examiner reports.Coillte recently made an application for a 5-year derogation of the pesticide, used to prevent or control pine weevil attacks on non-native spruce and pine trees. In recent days, Coillte have been meeting with groups including the Environmental Pillar, to discuss their submissions for consultation on the issue.
Environmental Pillar are calling for the cessation of use of the substance, due to the threat it can pose to wildlife, and in particular the pressure caused to bees, an already vulnerable species. “Bees play a vital role in the global economy, pollinating about 70% of the crops used to feed more than 90% of the world’s population” Irish Examiner reports. Environmental Pillar spokesman Andrew St Ledger has said the FSC eco-label should not be awarded to Coillte as long as it is using the hazardous chemical.
In a related editorial, the dangers posed by chemicals is highlighted, as is the need for their responsible use. The editorial also supports calls for due attention to be paid to the environmental concerns of cypermethrin use in Irish forestry.
“…That is why the calls from environmentalists urging that cypermethrin not be used in Irish forests any more should not be ignored. The chemical is used to protect pine forests and, it is suggested, represents a considerable threat to bees. We ignore these warnings at our peril, as the people of Bhopal and Tianjin have discovered in the most dramatic way.”
Read the full article here:
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Read the editorial here:
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