Eco Advocacy was founded in 2015. We advocate on issues of:
- Planning and Environmental Law,
- Biodiversity and specifically Invasive Species,
- Sustainability in all aspects of life, and
- Conservation.
It was considered essential to fill a void in advocating on issues of Planning and Environmental law in the Irish context.
While we champion issues of planning, enforcement and policy, we also do significant work in the area of Biodiversity with a particular emphasis on Alien Invasive Species of Plants, Animals and Diseases and conduct numerous workshops across Ireland.
We also advocate on issues of Sustainability including Energy supply, employment, natural resources and so on.
Resources are always a limiting factor, but we endeavour to conduct the necessary research to facilitate prosecution of environmental transgressions and also for comment on planning policies and proposals. This will typically include planning searches, land registry searches, photography and ordinance survey, to allude to but some of this.
We are hugely experienced on environmental issues ranging from large scale quarry proposals to telecommunication’s masts, large scale agricultural facilities, housing developments, peat bogs, wind farms, and so on. We are most concerned with the lethargic attitude to enforcement of existing laws, licences and planning consents and continue to encourage and assist the statutory authority in this regard.
Contact Details:
Phone: +353-86 785 3333
Eco Advocacy,
Trammon, Rathmolyon,
County Meath,