The purpose of the Environmental Pillar Law Group is to advocate for better understanding, implementation, compliance and enforcement of environmental law in Ireland and internationally. They work for the protection of the environment to be enshrined in the Constitution, for stronger environmental legislation, improved ecosystems management and to improve Ireland’s international collaboration in sustainable development.[/tab][tab]The following are some of the work plans for the Climate Change Working Group:
- EEB and EIA Directives: The objective is to work for stronger Environmental Directives in the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and within Environmental Impast Assessments (EIA). This will be done by leveraging extensive environmental expertise through the EEB on a range of policy and in particular legislative matters such as proposals for the Fracking Directive, TTIP, Environmental Liability Directive and the EIA revision process.
- Constitutional Change: The objective is to have protection of the environment enshrined in the Constitution with wide support from the public, the Constitutional Convention and the Government.
- Local Government Reform: The objective is to ensure that proper Sustainability and Agenda 21 principles are put to the front of the new Local Government Structures. The Environmental Pillar also wants to ensure that it has full representation in the implementation of the new structures and full representation in the new bodies envisaged. This will be carried out in meetings with the local government groups – submission and consultations as necessary.
- Rio + 20: This objective is to continue to support and engage with Rio +20, encourage Ireland’s participation in the Rio + 20 process, and improve Ireland’s international collaboration.
[/tab][tab]Member Organisations and nominated persons participating in the Climate Change Working Group:
Irish Doctors’ Environmental Association – Fergal Duff
An Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland – Charles Stanley-Smith, Attracta Ui Bhroin, Andrew Jackson
Bat Conservation Ireland: Donna Mullen
Irish Environmental Network: Michael Ewing
Coastwatch Ireland: Karin Dubsky
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group: Shay Fennelly[/tab][/tabs]