Supporting greater ambition for Ireland’s Peatlands in the EU Nature Restoration law

Summary: we welcome the targets within the NRL proposal to restore and rewet drained peatlands and organic soils under agricultural use. Rather than being onerous the NRL is an opportunity to garner EU support for our existing national commitments. However, further clarification is needed on definitions and financing. We call on Irish leaders in the European Council and Parliament to work to increase the scope and the ambition of the targets within the NRL. The challenge for decision makers is how can the NRL help us to collectively improve peatland management as a nature-based solution to halt biodiversity loss, support climate change adaptation, resilience and mitigation all the while supporting the wellbeing of communities living in peatland landscapes. In the attached policy briefing we have provided our rationale and recommendations to support why and how this can be achieved.

Read the full policy position here: Environmental Pillar (2022) Supporting greater ambition for Irelands Peatlands in the EU Nature Restoration Law Proposal

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