Green Foundation Ireland (GFI) is an independent organisation orientated towards an ecological and sustainable vision of society. GFI will communicate this new cultural vision through engagement with scientists, artists, writers, business people and academics. Through educational and research projects as well as seminars and events, the GFI seek to develop practical solutions to a wide range of issues including energy, food chain complexities, waste and climate change resilience.
The GFI also promote activities and events that value the arts as spheres of thought and action, that close the cultural gap between art and science, and that seeks to engage with a global cultural response to current complex economic, environmental and governance issues. Green Foundation Ireland is a think tank with a creative vision that it seeks to develop through projects, seminars, publications and an annual summer school.
The Climate Gathering in the Burren in February 2013 was the seedbed of a new cultural vision that, in the breakdown of economic and environmental systems, sees the need for a new vision that will transform our current ways of living and working in practical and sustainable ways.
For more information about what Green Foundation Ireland does, or if you would like to contribute to their work in any way, please contact them through their website website.