Our Members

Below is a list of our Member Organisations

An Taisce

An Taisce, The National Trust For Ireland’s vision is an Ireland where our environment, natural and built, is actively prioritised and a lasting legacy of sustainability and resilience is ensured.

Bat Conservation Ireland

Bat Conservation Ireland

Bat Conservation Ireland works to protect and expand existing bat populations and to develop a widespread understanding and appreciation of bats amongst the public, state agencies and other organisations.

Birdwatch Ireland

Birdwatch Ireland

BirdWatch Ireland are the largest independent conservation organisation in Ireland. The primary objective of BirdWatch Ireland is the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Ireland.



CELT is the Centre for Environmental Living & Training We provide training, education and awareness-raising in traditional and ecological skills. Our ethos is to encourage individuals and communities to live more sustainably.

Cloughjordan EcoVillage

Cloughjordan EcoVillage

Cloughjordan Ecovillage, is Ireland’s first ecovillage. Our aim is to serve as a model of sustainable living, that can be an education, enterprise, research and service resource for all.

Coastwatch Ireland

Coastwatch Ireland

Coastwatch primarily protects wetlands by raising the public’s awareness of their value and demonstrating practical ways to save them. Our work includes the Coastwatch Survey, Seagrass Survey, Microlitter, Seaweed, and Marine Protected Areas Project.


StreamScapes Project was Ireland’s original environmental education programme. Since 1989 hundreds of schools and community groups in Communities throughout Ireland have learned about their local Catchments through our training and field work.



Cultivate is a practical sustainability organisation focused on active education. Based in Cloughjordan Ecovillage. We support a greater understanding of whole systems thinking as a key to sustainability and a more resilient future.



Eco Advocacy aAdvocates for Truth and Justice in environmental matters. We focus on issues of: Planning and Environmental Law, Biodiversity and specifically Invasive Species, Sustainability (Energy supply, employment, natural resources), Conservation, Policy.


ECO-UNESCO are a leading environmental education and youth organisation working to channel the passion, creativity and energy of young people into positive environmental action. We inspire, educate, empower and support young people to act.



Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, is an ecological economics think tank. It envisions a safe and just space for humanity within a resilient, healthy global ecosystem. Feasta articulates and promotes the changes needed to make the necessary transition

Forest Friends Ireland

Forest Friends Ireland

GForest Friends Ireland/Cáirde na Coille value forests because of their essential role in maintaining the fragile ecosystems which preserve the earth’s rich biological and cultural diversity.


GIY is social enterprise based out of Waterford, delivering programmes in Ireland, the UK and US which supports people to live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives by growing some of their own food. Its mission is to educate and enable a global movement of food growers whose collective actions will help to rebuild a sustainable food system.

Global Action Plan

Global Action Plan

Global Action Plan aims to inspire people to become ‘change makers’. We equip individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to develop solutions to the environmental and climate crises and deliver programmes for community groups, schools and businesses.

Good Energies Alliance Ireland

Good Energies Alliance Ireland

Good Energies Alliance Ireland wants thriving and climate-resilient (rural) communities, linking sustainability and well-being. We work to discuss the transition towards ecological sustainability, focusing on climate action and circular economy.

Green Economy Foundation

Green Economy Foundation

The Green Economy Foundation works to promote the development of a Green Economy – where sustainable and resource-efficient business models will out-perform and ultimately replace those dependent on profit alone.

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth campaign and build movement power to bring about the system change needed for a just world where people and nature thrive.

Hedgerows Ireland

Hedgerows Ireland promotes the conservation and appropriate management of hedgerows. We provide training courses on the craft and profession of hedge laying, as well as advising landowners and the general public on nature-friendly hedgerow management.

Irish Cycling Campaign

Irish Cycling Campaign, formerly Cyclist.ie. Our mission is to celebrate, advocate for and enable everyday cycling as a means of travel. We see the bicycle as a tool to secure many environmental, health and societal gains, and see cycling as an empowering and enjoyable activity in its own right. We have 35 local branches/groups countrywide.

Irish Peatlands Conservation Council


The Irish Peatlands Conservation Council’s mission is to protect a representative sample of the peatlands of Ireland for people to enjoy today and in the future. Taking action for the preservation of bogs and wildlife is what we do.

Irish Seed Savers

Irish Seed Savers

The Irish Seedsavers main objective is to protect Ireland’s food crop heritage for future generations. Our work focuses on the conservation of heirloom vegetable seeds and Irish heritage apple trees.

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group’s mission is to promote better understanding of cetaceans & their habitats through education & research, and through collaboration with universities, government & research groups.

Irish Wildlife Trust

Irish Wildlife Trust

The Irish Wildlife Trust works to create a better future for Ireland’s biodiversity by motivating and supporting people to take action to protect biodiversity through advocacy, wildlife walks and talks and citizen science and education projects.

Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace Ireland provides research, education and outreach so every person who ventures outside can protect and enjoy the outdoors responsibly.

Rediscovery Centre

Rediscovery Centre

The Rediscovery Centre is the National Centre for the Circular Economy in Ireland. A creative movement connecting people, ideas and resources to support greener low-carbon living.



Sonairte is a visitor experience which promotes a love of the outdoors, organic produce, eco-awareness and sustainable living.

Talamh Beo

Talamh Beo is a member-led organisation of farmers, growers and land-based workers (focused on building food Sovereignty) organising for change in food and agriculture systems in order to meet the challenges of biodiversity loss, falling farm incomes, rural decline and climate change.

The Environmental Forum

The Environmental Forum’s vision is for a sustainable world which prioritises environmental quality, protects and restores habitats and biodiversity, where consumption and economics take cognisance of the limitations of our one planet and where there is a fairer and more equitable share of the earth’s resources.

The Organic Centre

The Organic Centre

The Organic Centre works hard to increase knowledge, and awareness about organic growing, biodiversity, climate change, food sovereignty and sustainable energy.

Vincent Wildlife Trust

Vincent Wildlife Trust

The Vincent Wildlife Trust’s work focuses on, creating and managing reserves for Irish mammals such as for the lesser horseshoe bat, the Irish stoat and pine marten.

VOICE Ireland

VOICE Ireland

VOICE is a member-based environmental charity that empowers individuals & local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources. VOICE is an NGO expert in Ireland on waste reduction and circular economy, pushing for effective national & local policy development and adoption.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland

Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland

Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland exists to promote wildlife rehabilitation, improve wildlife welfare, and conservation in Ireland.

Zero Waste Alliance Ireland

Zero Waste Alliance Ireland

Zero Waste Alliance Ireland promotes a rethink of current discard, disposal practices and works towards a circular economy. We are engaged at national and EU level in policy initiatives and information campaigns.