Press Release: Pillar wholeheartedly denounces Trump's withdrawal from Paris Agreement

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement shows a profound lack of solidarity with the rest of the world in tackling the universal threat of climate change.

The Environmental Pillar wholeheartedly denounces the decision, which puts the Agreement’s goal of limiting global average temperature to within 2°C above pre-industrial levels in doubt.

Mr Trump finally announced his choice today after days of cruelly teasing the world about his decision through social media, putting the US in line to join only Nicaragua and Syria as non-participants in the Agreement.

One of the worse possible consequences of the US withdrawal is that it could discourage other nations from taking further steps to limit their own emissions, thereby hindering efforts to reduce global emissions.

Article 28 of the Agreement allows countries to withdraw from the third year after the Agreement entered into force, which would be November 2019 for the US.

Environmental Pillar Coordinator, Michael Ewing said:

“Failure to meet the goals set out in the Agreement will mean a future where flooding, violent storms, and drought will be regular occurrences – as well as the knock on impacts of food insecurity, famine and an inevitable increase in climate refugees.”

“We have a duty to generations to come to leave the planet in a condition that is fit for all life and not riven with famine, refugee crises, water shortages and war.

“We also have a duty to the people in developing countries who are dealing right now with the impacts of climate change and stand to lose most from it.

“President Trump’s decision signals a profound lack of solidarity and respect for the countries and communities for whom current climate impacts are already too much.

“The world needs need politicians who are willing to take the difficult steps to stop climate change. Under Obama, the US had committed to reducing carbon emissions by up to 28 per cent by 2025.

“Unfortunately, the current US President does not share his predecessor’s concerns, and is condemning not just his own people, but also the global community, to future stresses from climate change.

“Protests will be planned across the globe to demonstrate to the Trump administration that the rest of the world will be standing in solidarity and moving on with the difficult task of tackling climate change with or without his support.”

Notes to Editor:

Environmental Groups, Friends of the Earth and Stop Climate Chaos, together with the Green Party will hold a protest tomorrow, Friday the 2nd of June, at 1pm at the Embassy of the United States, 42 Elgin Road, Dublin 4