A green economy should be a driver of competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability. The Green Economy should incorporate the whole economy rather than be a niche or a subset.
The UNEP definition of a Green Economy as one that results in “improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities” should form the basis for the government’s Green Economy Plan.
In this context, the tourism plan should: seek to count, profile and retain the existing green jobs; provide mechanisms for greening existing jobs; develop a vision of where new green jobs can be created both in the short and long term; and ensure that jobs that are created do not damage the potential of the Green Economy to deliver sustainable green tourism jobs in the future.
[button href=”https://environmentalpillar.ie/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Submission-from-the-Environmental-Pillar-on-the-Consultation-on-Tourism-Policy.pdf” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Click here to read the full submission [/button]