Cloughjordan EcoVillage is a project that creates a socially, economically and ecologically viable community that will serve as a model for sustainable living into the 21st century and as an education, enterprise, research and service resource for all.
- Community Farm: The Cloughjordan Community Farm is a cross-community that spreads over 40 acres outside Cloughjordan and a further 12 acres in the Ecovillage. Over 50 households currently subscribe to the farm and at full capacity it can cater for up to 80 families. For more info on this farm and its produce click here.
- Organic growing courses: The community’s land use plan is based on the principles of environmental and ecological diversity, productive landscape and permaculture. The ecovillage has 67 acres of land which has three broad uses- residential, woodland and farmland. In addition to the nursery, apple treewalk, and edible landscaping around the buildings, 17,000 trees were planted in the community woodland during 2011
- Research and student projects: We welcome interest in the ecovillage from researchers at all levels and in any discipline. Click here for FAQs about research
Visit us for one of our guided tours or attend come along to one of our Experience Weekends – all information can be found here. All information further information about Cloughjordan Village can be found on our website.