Submission on the Draft Environmental Analysis Report of Food Wise 2025

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to input into this process. We were disappointed to see the FoodWise2025 strategy “launched” by such senior figures as Minister Coveney and the Taoiseach when the public consultation phase had yet to take place. We would note that FW2025 is an extension of the FoodHarvest2020 strategy. We welcome that […]

Submission on The Draft National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development

The Irish coastline boasts an array of diverse marine species and habitats. At the same time this marine environment is a fragile ecosystem which is highly vulnerable to threats and changes. As such, it must be protected. However, aquaculture may result in a number of adverse impacts to this sensitive environment, through the accumulation of waste, alteration […]

Environmental Pillar representation at the National Economic Dialogue

The Environmental Pillar was represented at the recent National Economic Dialogue which was attended by the Taoiseach, Tanaiste, members of the Oireachtas and a range of social partners. The aim of the dialogue is to facilitate an open and inclusive exchange on the competing economic and social priorities facing the Government as they prepare for […]

Debunking myths about the Pine Marten

Dr Kate McAney of the Vincent Wildlife Trust was featured on Shannonside Radio debate around whether or not to cull the pine marten. Longford Councillor and local gun club member Paraic Brady started the debate claiming that pine martens are wreaking havoc in Longford. He claimed that pine martens are not native, they face no natural […]

Dangers of using pesticides on Forests

Environmental Pillar spokesperson Andrew St Ledger went on air in Today FM and Castlebar Radio to shed some light on the ill effects of toxic fertilizers being used in forests. Click the play button to listen to what Andrew said on air. TODAY FM : CASTLEBAR FM :

Submission on the Draft National Mitigation Plan

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to input into the Draft National Mitigation Plan and looks forward to further input as the plan evolves. The Environmental Pillar strongly welcomes and supports the Minister’s commitment to transition to a low carbon future. We anticipate that this will be implemented in a clear, directional robust national mitigation […]

Hazardous chemical being used in Irish forests needs to be phased out 

The Environmental Pillar are calling for an end to the use of the hazardous chemical Cypermethrin in Irish forests. This chemical which kills insects is being used in significant quantities over a large area of land, some 50,000 ha, in an attempt to protect the non-native spruce and pine from pests. The Environmental Pillar believe […]

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the Pope's call for action on climate change

The Environmental Pillar, which is made up of 28 Irish environmental NGOs, welcomes the stance taken by the Pontiff in his teaching today. The encyclical entitled ‘Laudato Si’ calls on all nations to deal squarely with climate change, to phase out the use of fossil fuels and for the world’s rich nations to begin paying […]

The Environmental Pillar rejects eco-label given to an Irish salmon farm

UPDATE 18/6/15: SAI Global  Assurances who carried out the audit of Deenish Salmon Farm have been in contact to say that a number of Environmental Pillar organisations were contacted during the consultation phase of the audit. The nature of this contact is not clear. We will update this when we know more.    The Environmental […]

Water Services Policy

Ireland is facing an uncertain future in respect to its antiquated and dilapidated water services infrastructure. Much of our water and wastewater infrastructure dates back to the Victorian age with many aging and leaky water and sewerage pipes in addition to many of our inadequate drinking water and waste water treatment plants. This legacy leaves […]

Threat to environment from trade deal discussed at Trade Union seminar

Michael Ewing, Coordinator of the Environmental Pillar, recently spoke at the TTIP Seminar as part of the IMPACT Divisional Conference, on 22nd May, 2015.  The presentation emphasised the core issues surrounding TTIP such as the ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) mechanism, transparency and regulatory coherence, and the main environmental concerns, relating to climate change, toxic food […]

EU critical of Ireland’s failure to tax environmental harm

The Environmental Pillar wish to highlight the concerns raised around the failure to make Ireland’s tax system environmentally friendly. The Environmental Pillar, an advocacy coalition of 28 Irish environmental NGOs, is calling on the government to address the issues raised in the draft Country Specific Recommendations for Ireland published by the European Commission. They include: […]

Burning peat is costing our environment and the taxpayer dearly and needs to stop

The Environmental Pillar condemns the decision to continue burning peat in power stations past 2019 and calls for a transition to sustainable jobs in the Midlands. The Environmental Pillar, an advocacy coalition made up of 28 Irish environmental NGOs, is calling for a reversal of the decision by ESB and Bord na Móna to continue […]

Concerns over European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, letter to Minister Simon Coveney

Dear Minister Coveney I am writing to highlight to you issues raised at a meeting in Clonakilty earlier this month. As I understand it the issue detailed below, and in the attached letter, was raised at the meeting by both the EU Commission and our representatives on the Shadow Monitoring Committee for the Operational Programme […]

Policy on Community Energy

Follow the link below for the Environmental Pillar’s Policy on Community Energy. Environmental Pillar Community Energy Policy March 2015

Submission to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on GHG Mitigation

Follow the link below to download the the submission from the Environmental Pillar, 23rd March 2015, to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s discussion document on the potential for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) mitigation within the Agriculture and Forestry Sector. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” icon_only=”true” […]

Submission to the Public Consultation on the Regional Waste Management Plan

The Submission by the Environmental Pillar to the Public Consultation on the Regional Waste Management Plan was sent to each of the regional Waste Authorities in January 2015. The Resource Efficiency Working Group prepared the submission which details 15 recommendations including parameters for creating an effective database, appropriate waste prevention targets per capita per year […]

Submission to Affordable Energy Consultation

Fuel poverty is a question of the thermal efficiency of housing. In a market, generally the most inefficient housing will be occupied by those with the least purchasing power; whether as house-owners or as tenants. This is the case in Ireland. Therefore eliminating fuel poverty will require the thermal upgrade of the vast bulk of […]

The Challenges Faced at COP 20

Fr. Seán McDonagh, SSC At 10 o’clock on December 1st 2014, Manuel Plugar-Vidal, the Peruvian Minister of State for the Environment and President of COP 20 – the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – opened COP20.. The Minister is a lawyer with 27 years experience working in […]

Action on climate change needs to happen at home and abroad

The Environmental Pillar calls on the government to help those affected by climate change in developing countries not just with aid but also by doing more at home to cut emissions.   The Environmental Pillar commends the government for its effort to support developing nations affected by climate change through Irish Aid but that is […]

Environmental Pillar highlight serious deterioration in fish stocks behind recommendations to cut number of fish caught

Annual consultation by Minister Coveney with industry and environmental groups reveals catastrophic deterioration in fish stocks.   The Environmental Pillar wishes to highlight the serious deterioration of Ireland’s fish stocks which has prompted  recommendations by scientists to drastically reduce the numbers of fish caught next year.   The Environmental Pillar, which represents 28 national environmental […]

New government Agri-Food plans welcomed by Environmental Pillar‏

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the decision of the Minister Simon Coveney to make the new agri-food strategy a government initiative rather than an industry led plan. The Environmental Pillar, which represents 28 national environmental NGOs, welcomes the announcement of a committee to prepare the new strategy and the tendering of an environmental analysis of the […]

Ireland is way off track for 2020 climate targets, European study finds

The Environmental Pillar is calling on the government to end its disjointed approach to emissions targets and put Ireland at the forefront of climate change action. The Environmental Pillar, which is made up of 28 Irish environmental NGOs, is disappointed but not surprised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) study which found Ireland will not […]

Response to EU Climate Targets 2030

In the early hours of Friday morning, EU leaders in Brussels agreed three targets for carbon reductions in 2030. However, the Environmental Pillar are concerned at the low levels of these targets which see a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases, 27% increase in renewable energy and a 27% increase in energy efficiency over 1990 levels. […]