Towards a New Agricultural and Food Policy for Ireland – Recommendations for Government

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Towards a New Agricultural and Food Policy for Ireland Recommendations for Government A Position Paper from the Environmental Pillar, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and the Sustainable Water Network April 2021 “Agriculture is by far the most significant pressure on Ireland’s nature, water and air, and greenhouse gas emissions. There has been a long-standing failure […]

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Ag-Climatise’ – A Draft National Climate & Air Roadmap for the Agriculture Sector to 2030 and Beyond

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Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and the Environmental Pillar. Joint-submission to: Ag-Climatise’ – A Draft National Climate & Air Roadmap for the Agriculture Sector to 2030 and Beyond January 2020 “With a particular focus on the importance of timely and robust mitigation and environmental action at national level, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and the Environmental […]

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UN FAO report on Irish agriculture a travesty, misrepresents reality and ignores NGO warnings

IMMEDIATE RELEASE A UN case study portraying Ireland as leading in the transformation to sustainable  agriculture is deeply misleading and puts forward an image of the industry that is not supported by scientific evidence, The Environmental Pillar has warned. Ireland’s leading coalition of environmental groups is alarmed by the case study’s publication and have stressed […]

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Press Release: New European Climate Change targets let Ireland off the hook but they will not keep global warming below 1.5C target

More regular flooding, aggressive storms and drought will be outcome of watering down our climate targets.    New European Climate Change targets have been revealed today and they have made it easier for Ireland because of how emissions and carbon is accounted for. The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 28 Irish national environmental NGOs, warns […]

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Press Release: Taoiseach's stance that climate change is 'not a priority' is foolhardy and economically short-sighted

The Environmental Pillar are calling on the Taoiseach Enda Kenny to retract his statement that ‘climate change is not a priority’ and start to build a country and economy fit for the 21st century. The Environmental Pillar, an advocacy coalition made up of 28 national environmental NGOs, want the Taoiseach to accept that failing to […]

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Press Release: Environmental groups call for native woodland scheme to be expanded to balance farm emissions

The Environmental Pillar welcome calls for the use of forestry on farms to balance carbon emissions from agriculture, in an effort to increase sustainability and protect livelihoods.

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Submission on the Draft Environmental Analysis Report of Food Wise 2025

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to input into this process. We were disappointed to see the FoodWise2025 strategy “launched” by such senior figures as Minister Coveney and the Taoiseach when the public consultation phase had yet to take place. We would note that FW2025 is an extension of the FoodHarvest2020 strategy. We welcome that […]

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Submission to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on GHG Mitigation

Follow the link below to download the the submission from the Environmental Pillar, 23rd March 2015, to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s discussion document on the potential for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) mitigation within the Agriculture and Forestry Sector. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” icon_only=”true” […]

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New government Agri-Food plans welcomed by Environmental Pillar‏

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the decision of the Minister Simon Coveney to make the new agri-food strategy a government initiative rather than an industry led plan. The Environmental Pillar, which represents 28 national environmental NGOs, welcomes the announcement of a committee to prepare the new strategy and the tendering of an environmental analysis of the […]

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Budget 2015 response: Tax measures to support Agriculture

The Environmental Pillar welcomes a number of tax measures that will benefit farmers and farming communities but warns that increases in productivity must not come at the cost of Ireland’s biodiversity. Minister for Finance Michael Noonan highlighted the importance of land availability for young farmers wishing to expand in the industry and will provide Irish […]

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Minister Coveney urged to extend agri-environment scheme into 2014 to fill ‘gap’

On Thursday 17 October 2013, the Environmental Pillar sent the following letter to Minister Coveney:   Dear Minister Coveney, Your intention, as we understand the reporting of it, is not to extend support for farmers coming out of REP4 or AEOS in to 2014. This is part of an attempt to save money and will […]

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Environmental Pillar questions credibility of sustainability report on Food Harvest 2020

16 September 2013: The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental groups, is casting serious doubts on the findings of a report commissioned by the Minister for Agriculture on the environmental impacts of Food Harvest 2020. The Environmental Pillar is calling for a commitment from government to re-assess its Food Harvest 2020 policy which […]

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Minister Coveney puts wildlife and agricultural sustainability at risk

10 July 2013: The Environmental Pillar is strongly critical of Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney bringing forward the mowing date for the traditional hay meadow option within the Agri-Environment Options Scheme (AEOS). AEOS pays farmers to delay mowing of traditionally managed hay meadows until 15 July to allow the diversity of plant species to set seed, […]

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No more blank cheques – our taxes should benefit the public

Environmental Pillar meets Joint Oireachtas Committee to discuss Common Agricultural Policy reform 18 December 2012: The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental groups, says that public money paid out under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should be given for delivering ‘public goods’ – including a healthy natural environment– not given as ‘blank […]

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