Land Value Tax would be "fair and dependable"

Ireland is faced with reacting to a rapidly collapsing world economy whilst at the same time addressing a looming energy crisis that will dwarf the current economic crisis in both consequences and complexity, it was claimed yesterday.  In a meeting with the Commission on Taxation representatives from the Environmental Pillar argued for the introduction of […]

Environmentalists tell Government 'there's no going back to business as usual'

New Social Partner launched at Government Buildings [imagebrowser id=2]At the official launch of the new Environmental Pillar of Social Partnership at Government buildings today environmental representatives called on the government not to lose sight of the the ecological crisis underlying the country’s current economic difficulties. Speaking after a photocall with Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Minister […]

Environmental groups invited to enter Social Partnership

Realising that the crises facing this country go even deeper than the very serious financial problems, the Government has invited a fifth group to participate in the Social Partnership negotiations for the first time. This “fifth pillar” of social partnership includes twenty-eight environmental groups working to create a sustainable society. Karin Dubsky of Coastwatch points […]