Speaking at the opening session of the National Economic Dialogue, Cillian Lohan of the Environmental Pillar spoke about reducing and ultimately eliminating the concept of waste from all sectors. He said:
“Almost all materials can be reused or remanufactured, which not only is beneficial for our environment but also creates jobs and wealth amongst communities in all parts of the country, from cities to rural villages.”
“We need a circular economy, where waste is viewed as a resource, creating resilience and reducing our vulnerability to external forces.”
Mindy O’Brien, also of the Environmental Pillar, Speaking at the opening said:
“All policies, initiatives and programmes must be put forward with the Sustainable Development Goals uppermost in Irish policy-makers’ minds.”
She went on to say:
“Planning to bolster our economy and create more jobs cannot be divorced from the health of our planet and welfare of all who live upon it. All 17 sustainable development goals must also be intertwined in all we do. If we do not keep them foremost in our minds we will not have a healthy environment upon which we can plan for the future.”
Media Contact
Charles Stanley Smith
Environmental Pillar Spokesperson
087 241 1995
Justin Byrne
Environmental Pillar
087 2222 866 / 01 8780115