Press Release: Right to Know, Right to Act: Your rights as an European Citizen by Environmental Pillar in Athlone

Immediate Release The Environmental Pillar will hold a seminar in Athlone with Independent MEP Marian Harkin on Friday, 26 May 2017 to highlight Irish people’s rights to access information as EU citizens. The interactive seminar – Right to Know, Right to Act: Your rights as a European Citizen – will take place at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel from […]

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Press Release: Climate change IS the challenge of our generation but Budget 2017 falls FAR short of what is needed

Budget 2017 may have brought measures to move Ireland’s transport and energy sectors towards a low carbon future but action across all areas of policy is needed to put the country on a sustainable path. The Environmental Pillar, an advocacy coalition of 28 national environmental charities, are calling Budget 2017 a missed opportunity to prepare […]

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Taxing environmentally damaging practices and giving the money back through investment should be a key initiative of Budget 2017

Environmental groups are calling on the government to tax environmentally damaging practices to change behaviour and raise government revenue. Three simple measures, a levy on single-use items, a levy on the aggregates, and a levelling of the excise duty on petrol and diesel, would net the government in the region of €415m every year.* And […]

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Press Release: Environmental Pillar calls for savings from Smoky coal ban to be re-invested in home insulation

For immediate release  The Environmental Pillar welcomes Minister Alan Kelly’s announcement that the ban on smoky coal is to be extended nationwide. The Environmental Pillar has long campaigned for the nationwide implementation of this ban. Charles Stanley Smith, speaking for The Environmental Pillar said: “So far approximately 8,000 lives have been saved in Dublin since the introduction […]

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Europe US trade deal could open the door to fracking in Ireland

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The Environmental Pillar is concerned that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being negotiated could force Ireland to permit fracking against the will of the Irish people. The trade deal, as currently envisaged, would allow for companies banned from fracking in Ireland to take legal action against the country under an onerous new […]

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Environmental Pillar calls for a national energy strategy

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29 January 2014: The Environmental Pillar calls on the Government to initiate an inclusive participatory process to develop a comprehensive national strategy on energy. “There is a clear and urgent need for a sense of direction and understanding as to how Ireland will power its communities and enable a successful economy, whilst responding to the […]

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Press Release: Reject the Abolition of the Seanad, Demand Reform

The Environmental Pillar calls for a “No” vote in the Seanad referendum, and demands the reform of the Seanad rather than its abolition. “Abolishing the Seanad leaves us to the mercy of professional politicians and uncontrollable Government majorities. The Government’s promised political reforms are far from clear or assured. We are being forced to “buy […]

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Pillar publishes policy on fracking

Environmental Pillar expresses “Grave concerns” about Fracking   The Environmental Pillar has just published its policy on shale gas, calling for cessation of all fracking activities in Ireland. “The known impacts of fracking are so serious that the   Government needs to act now to put a stop to all fracking activity in Ireland” said […]

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