Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy an "important first step"

IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Ireland’s leading environmental coalition welcomed the publication of the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy today and has called it an “important first step” in ensuring cross-sector waste reduction.  The Environmental Pillar is pleased to see key commitments that we have advocated for in relation to waste management, including the reduction of […]

Minister Hackett’s consultation for Forestry must be reconsidered

14 August 2020  IMMEDIATE RELEASE  The consultation process initiated to restrict appeals for forestry decisions must be reconsidered along with the Minister’s priorities to address issues in the forestry system. This is the call from Ireland’s leading environmental coalition, The Environmental Pillar, who have written to the Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, […]

Environmental Pillar response to the published Programme for Government.

During the General Election, the Environmental Pillar, a leading environmental coalition of 32 members, published a 10-point blueprint for all parties to show they are serious about turning the tide on climate action and reversing the worrying trend of biodiversity loss in Ireland [1]. We are pleased to see some key critical policy developments that […]

Environmental coalition welcomes inclusion of Green New Deal, Climate and Biodiversity in Framework for Government: There Can Be No Return to Business as Usual

For Immediate Release The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of over 30 national environmental groups, welcomes the prioritisation of the Green New Deal, together with action on climate and biodiversity in the Framework for Government document published by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil on 14 April 2020. A just and fair recovery, which puts communities, nature […]

Draconian Fine Gael policy would kill access to justice rights

Immediate Release Fine Gael proposals to limit access to justice rights for citizens and environmental groups to challenge poor planning decisions is out of line with European and international human rights law, the Environmental Pillar warned today. The comments from Ireland’s largest environmental coalition come as the public consultation on the controversial General Scheme for […]

General Election: 10 point blueprint for a climate and nature friendly future

Immediate Release Ireland leading environmental groups have outlined a 10-point blueprint for election candidates to follow if they are serious about protecting nature and turning the tide on climate in the next Dail. For Election 2020, the Environmental Pillar – a coalition of over 30 national environmental NGOs – is asking candidates to step up […]

Environmentalists raise alarm over access to justice killing legislation

IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Government is trying to push through a draconian Bill before next year’s impending election that would kill access to justice rights on environmental issues, warns the Environmental Pillar. The comments from Ireland’s leading environmental coalition come in the wake of the hushed launch on Monday of a very short public consultation over […]

Minister Creed must end overfishing or risk fisheries closures

November 27th, 2019 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Inaction to ensure sustainable fishing levels has created a situation where significant cuts in quotas and even closure of fisheries must now be considered to meet the EU’s binding 2020 deadline to end overfishing. This is the warning from the Environmental Pillar in a submission to the Department of Marine […]

Environmental groups outline shock at proposed planning Bill

IMMEDIATE RELEASEIreland’s leading environmental coalition is shocked at the Minister for Housing’s attempt to press for new planning legislation that would make it near impossible to challenge planning decisions in the courts and hold public authorities and the Government to account. The Environmental Pillar – a coalition of national environmental organisations – learned over the […]

Budget 2020: Climate ambition still lacking

Immediate Release Ireland’s largest environmental coalition has said it is disappointed that Budget 2020 has failed to show the level of urgency required to deal with the climate emergency we are facing, While there were some positives (discussed below), the Environmental Pillar – which had called for a €20 bump in the carbon tax – […]

Budget 2020: Four steps to fund a Green New Deal for Ireland

Immediate Release: 4 October 2019 The Government can tackle out of control emissions and fund the just transition to a carbon-free future for Ireland through common-sense environmental taxation, a coalition of environmental groups has said. The Environmental Pillar is calling on the State to adopt four taxes in Budget 2020 that will protect our environment […]

New plan won't bring about promised climate policy revolution

The Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and the Environmental Pillar have carried out a detailed assessment of the Government’s Climate Action Plan and have launched a 20-page “end-of-term” Report on the Government: Will the new Climate Action Plan deliver the revolution the Minister promised? Link to Report: https://tinyurl.com/y58a9jzk Media Release New Climate Action Plan will not bring […]

Climate Plan: Environmental coalition welcomes plans to boost ailing funding

Immediate Release, 18 June 2019 Environmental coalition welcomes plans to boost ailing funding but still major concerns over biodiversity policy in the new climate plan    The Environmental Pillar has welcomed plans in the new all of government climate plan to examine the bolstering of the ailing Environment Fund, as well as changing consumer and […]

Environmental coalition welcomes Green Wave washing over Ireland

Immediate Release, 25 May 2019 The Green wave across European and local elections is a clear signal that Irish people want urgent action to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, Ireland’s largest environmental coalition has said. The Environmental Pillar said today that it was a heartening experience for its member organisations to see the Irish […]

No deal Brexit poses major risk for Irish environment, GFA Committee hears

July 4th, 2019 Unleashing the full potential of the Good Friday Agreement and avoiding a No-Deal scenario are key to protecting the environment on the island of Ireland from the threat posed by Brexit, an Oireachtas Committee heard today. Speaking before the GFA Committee, barrister and Athlone IT law lecturer Alison Hough said that Brexit […]

NED: Sustainable revamp of policy to protect nature vital to State's future stability

Immediate ReleaseA sustainable revamp of State policy to protect nature is vital to tackling the climate and biodiversity crisis, Ireland’s largest environmental coalition told the Government at the National Economic Dialogue this week. The Environmental Pillar – a coalition of over 30 national environmental groups – was represented by several expert members at NED that […]

All-of-Gov Climate Plan falls far short on biodiversity measures

Immediate Release Plan fails to join dots and see biodiversity protection as a solution to the climate crisis  The new All-of-Government climate plan falls flat on nature protection, insufficiently joining the dots between the biodiversity and climate emergencies facing us, Ireland’s largest environmental coalition said this morning. The Environmental Pillar – a coalition of over […]

Environmental Coalition calls for comprehensive investigation into ESB oil leaks

Immediate release, 6 June 2019 The Environmental Pillar has welcomed the decision of the EPA to investigate the massive leak of oil from underground ESB cables revealed by a whistleblower within the semi-state body.   The shocking information shown on RTÉ Investigates last night only came to the surface after the whistleblower, Seamus O’Loughlin, made […]

Declaration of biodiversity and climate emergency warmly welcomed

 IMMEDIATE RELEASE  The Environmental Pillar warmly welcomes the Dáil’s declaration of a climate and biodiversity emergency. The surprise move makes Ireland only the second country to do so, following in the footsteps of the UK that last week recognised the crisis at our door. The issue was raised during a debate on a motion to […]

Extinction crisis and climate emergency hot on Cork MEP hustings agenda

Irish must vote en masse for biodiversity & climate in upcoming elections, says environmental coalition It’s vital that citizens voice their concerns to MEP candidates over climate change and biodiversity loss in advance of the European elections, Ireland’s leading environmental coalition has said. It’s vital that citizens voice their concerns to MEP candidates over climate […]

Climate hot on the agenda at MEP husting in Dublin

Immediate ReleaseOver 150 citizens are set to gauge where EU election candidates stand on key environmental and climate issues at a public debate in Co Dublin this Friday before polling stations open in May. The sold-out event in the Wynn Hotel in Dublin on Friday, 3 May will see concerned citizens challenge candidates from across […]

Climate hot on the agenda at election hustings in Leitrim

Immediate Release Over 100 citizens are set to gauge where EU election candidates stand on key environmental and climate issues at a public debate in Co Leitrim this month before polling stations open in May. The event in the Bush Hotel in Carrick-On-Shannon on Friday, 26 April will see concerned citizens challenge candidates from across […]

Irish must vote en masse for climate action in European elections

Immediate Release It’s vital that citizens voice their concerns to MEP candidates over climate change and biodiversity loss in advance of the European elections, Ireland’s leading environmental coalition has said. The need is even more pressing, the Environmental Pillar said, following the release of a new report today calling out Ireland’s largest parties for their […]

Biodiversity measures in Committee climate report welcomed

Immediate Release Calls from the Oireachtas Climate Action Committee to protect biodiversity and recognise the vital role of a healthy environment in tackling climate change is welcomed by Ireland’s leading environmental coalition.  The nature-friendly recommendations are included in the Committee’s report officially launched today that will feed into Government policy in tackling climate change.  The report follows […]