Submission on the Outline Heads of the Climate Action and Low-Carbon Development Bill
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The Environmental Pillar produced this submission in response to the government’s outline Heads of a Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill.  

Submission to Second Consultation on Ireland's National Aarhus Report

We acknowledge that a number of our comments have been taken on board in the second draft and we are glad that the Department found them useful. In addition, we note that others haven’t been taken on board and we hope that we can discuss these issues further with the Department in the future. Given […]

Bioenergy policy reform is vital for long-term economic sustainability in rural communities
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15 May 2013: The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental organisations, is calling for key reforms to Ireland’s bioenergy policy. The benefits of these reforms would be felt in many rural communities in terms of long-term investment and job creation. Without these reforms, Ireland will struggle to meet its renewable energy targets without […]

Submission on National Bioenergy Strategy

Although reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are the primary driver for bioenergy policies, the full life cycle emissions of forms of different bioenergy are not yet fully understood but are known to vary dramatically. Even where biofuels are grown on land already in cultivation, this can lead to the displacement of food crops and other […]

Submission on EPA Fracking Research

This research should not just be aimed at answering the question: can we undertake Fracking in Ireland without causing environmental damage here, and without increasing Ireland’s Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. The research should also address the question of the environmental impact of the extraction of global shale gas reserves for the agreed target of […]

Submission on the Draft EPA Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015

The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft EPA Strategic Plan 2013-2015. Recognising that this is an outline plan, and that the devil may well be in the detail of implementation, the members of the Environmental Pillar make the recommendations below in the context of the Pillar’s fundamental position that: The continuing […]

Response to EPA Discussion Document on Proposal for Waste Water Treatment Inspection Plan

 The Environmental Pillar welcomes the opportunity to respond to the EPA consultation call ‘National Inspection plan for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems discussion document. The initial problem for our members is that, whilst it is possible to comment on the document, it is not possible to use this document to comment on the plan. The document […]

Proposed plan for septic tank inspections needs more detail and transparency
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The Environmental Pillar, a coalition of 26 national environmental groups, has expressed its disappointment that the Government’s proposed National Inspection Plan for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems does not contain enough detail to allow a meaningful public discussion. Charles Stanley-Smith, spokesperson for the Environmental Pillar, said: ‘When you think about the potential risks to our […]

Proposals for the 2013 Budget

Environmental Pillar proposals for placing the 2013 Budget in the context of Sustainable Development. [button href=”” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo”  info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Click here to view the […]

Ten Point Proposal for the Fisheries TACs
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The Environmental Pillar presents a ten point solution to improve decision-making, to ensure a more sustainable approach to aquaculture in Ireland and to make the work of the TAC more appropriate and compliant with EU legislative requirements. Download the Environmental_Pillar_10_Point_Plan_For_Fisheries_TACs

Submission on Environmental Analysis of Scenarios Related to Implementation of Recommendations in Food Harvest 2020 (FH2020)
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Download report: Environmental-Pillar-Submission-on-the-Analysis-of-the-Environmental-Impacts-of-FH2020(Posted on July 6, 2012) Summary Food Harvest 2020, as a Government Strategic Policy Document should have been subjected to a screening under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. This would have inevitably resulted in the need to conduct a number of Appropriate Assessments (AA). During the development of Food Harvest 2020, as […]

Living within Planetary Boundaries – The Safe and Just Space for the People of Europe
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Environmental Pillar Consultation Response to: 7th Environmental Action Programme (7EAP)Consultation Download:Environmental Pillar Submission on the 7EAP  Consultation Response: May 2012 Contents Introduction to The Environmental Pillar – Who are we? 1.      The need for a strong 7th Environmental Action Programme – Stepping back from the Limits of Planetary Boundaries. 2.      Reduction of the EU’s Ecological […]

Submission to National Climate Policy Development Consultation

Download: Environmental Pillar Climate Submission Contents INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS, RESPONSIBILTY AND CAPABILITY MITIGATION COMMITMENTS GREEN ECONOMY POLICIES AND MEASURES Long-term effectiveness Transition to a low-carbon economy Environmental sustainability Equity Cost-effectiveness Approaches to policies and measures Putting a price on greenhouse gases Subsidies Regulation Information and awareness Incentives Financing LEGISLATION Targets Carbon Budgets National Mitigation Plans Annual […]

Submission concerning Critical Review of Bord Iascaigh Mhara
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Download:BIM review Submission 10 April 2012 Mr. Nicholas Hoffman Secretary – BIM Critical Review Group c/o Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine National Seafood Centre Clonakilty, Co. Cork   10 April 2012 RE: Critical Review of Bord Iascaigh Mhara Dear Mr Hoffman The Environmental Pillar welcomes this opportunity to participate in the critical […]

Submission on Property Tax
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Overview of this submission Download:Environmental Pillar Submission Interdepartmental Group on Property Tax 16 thMarch 2012 This document responds to the call for submissions with regard to the implementation of a property tax that is both simple to administer and fair. However the basis for this submission is that the introduction of a Site Value Tax […]

Consultation Response to the Draft Framework for Sustainable Development for Ireland
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The Environmental Pillar welcomes the publication of this Draft FSDI, and the opportunity to submit a commentary on it. The draft brings together a wide range of important information, referencing some 84 policies, strategies and international agreements and covering most aspects of the three pillars of sustainability; social, environmental and economic. Although the Environmental Pillar […]

Proposals for the 2012 Budget: A Sustainable Future for Ireland

Download:Prosposals for the budget 2012 Summary The Environmental Pillar, which is a coalition of 27 national environmental NGOs, was established as a National Social Partner by Government in April 2009. In making this submission to Government it recognises that the public are reeling from the shock of the economic and fiscal crises. However it urges […]

Submission on the Draft Green Public Procurement National Action Plan

There are two fundamental principles that need to be emphasised in developing this action plan in order for it to be both effective and transformative: It should be Sustainable Public Procurement It must involve everyone working in public authorities both in its development and its implementation Sustainable Public Procurement, unlike green procurement, incorporates the three […]

Submission to the Government of Ireland Consultation regarding RIO+20

The Environmental Pillar of Social Partnership welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the development of an understanding of Ireland’s contribution to the Rio +20 Conference on sustainable development. The major outcomes of the Rio Conference in 1992 “The Earth Summit” included the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, and the Sustainable Forest Principles. For the first time […]

Initial Submission on the Proposal to Introduce a Packaging Levy

Follow the link to download the initial submission on the proposal to introduce a packaging levy: Environmental-Pillar-Submission-on-the-Proposal-to-Introduce-a-Packaging-levy

Proposals for the Programme for Government 2011 onwards

Introduction The continuing success of human society and social systems depends fundamentally on the preservation of the overall productivity, health and long term sustainability of the ecosystems and environmental services that underpin and supply many of the most basic components of human welfare such as healthy soils, clean water, clean air and a healthy biodiversity. […]

Response to the public consultation on the Climate Change Response Bill 2010

Climate change remains the defining challenge of our age. The Environmental Pillar shares the National Economic and Social Council’s analysis (NESC Report 117, page xvi.) that “addressing it will have far reaching economic and social effects”, and that Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions target for 2020, yet to be finalised”, “will pose considerable challenges” and, most […]

Social partnership briefing document

Introduction The continuing success of human society and social systems depends fundamentally on the preservation of the overall productivity, health and long term sustainability of the ecosystems and environmental services that underpin and supply many of the most basic components of human welfare such as healthy soils, clean water and clean air. This brief summary […]